From the moment I landed, we took a cab straight to head
office, grabbed a quick bite to eat, then hopped on a bus en route to Grouse Mountain! Literally changing on the bus, and climbing over 4000ft high for an hour
and 30mins! I couldn’t have done it without the amazing people by my side. I
then checked into the hotel, met my roommate (Holly, you were a blast!), then
had a great meal getting to know each other ;)
After Day 1 was complete, now it was for the fun to begin!
530am wake up, yoga class, then hearing from amazing people who have shaped how
lululemon is today. To be in the
presence of such inspiring people, not to mention elite athletes was truly a
The highlight of the trip was creating our vision and goals.
This way an eye opener for me! We all have the power to create possibilities
for ourselves and I needed that push to help me realize. What I am best in the
world at is teaching children! My passion and driving force is creating possibilities
for these future mentors as well as for everyone around me.
Thank you lululemon for believing in me and seeing the potential
in all of us. We all can provide greatness in this world. Sky is the limit and
it’s just the beginning…